Personal Safety


Author: OneLearn Global
Duration: 30 minutes



Course Overview

  Course Description:

The training highlights specific health and safety issues and describes the essential precautions which should be taken by crew members and others in order to avoid any accidents or injuries while on board the ship.

Personal safety is the responsibility of everyone on board. The greatest risks result from complacency and carelessness, often as a result of seafarers being over-familiar with the procedures. The Management can and should contribute towards the reduction of risk by establishing proper procedures for training and by promoting a safety culture on board.


   Learning objectives:

At the end of the training course the participant shall:

·       Understand the importance of personal safety

·       Recognize Safety Awareness in different vessel compartments

·       Know when to apply PPE in different circumstances onboard

·       Understand and be able to put emergency procedures in practice in hazardous environment


Target Audience:


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