STCW Crowd Management


Author: OneLearn Global
Duration: 75 minutes



Course Overview

This STCW Crowd Management training is designed for crew members who provide direct services to passengers in passenger spaces on board of passenger ships and those personnel designated on muster lists who assist passengers in emergencies.

The course follows the guidelines of the IMO Model Course 1.28 and meets the mandatory minimum requirements for the training of Masters, Officers, Ratings and other personnel on passenger ships in STCW Code (2010): Regulation V/2(&3) pa. 4, 5 & 6 and Section A-V/2(&3) pa. 1, 2 & 3.

Course Sections:


1: Introduction

2: Case Studies

3: Crowd Management Training

4: Familiarisation Training

5.Key Points to Remember


1: Introduction

2: Safety Training for Personnel Providing Direct Service to Passengers in Passenger Spaces

3: Key Points to Remember

Target Audience:

Personnel providing direct service to passengers in passenger spaces and Masters, officers, ratings qualified in accordance with STCW chapters II, III and VII and personnel designated on the muster list to assist passengers in emergency situations.


This course is recognised by and meeting the requirements of the Bahamas Maritime Authority and the Maritime Administrator of the Republic of the Marshall Islands.  

Regulations and Further Recourses:  

STCW Code, 2010 Manila Amendments, Section A-V/2 & A-V/3 

SOLAS 1974 Chapter XI-1 Special Measures to Enhance Maritime Safety

International Maritime Organization Official Website, Our Work, Passenger Ships

MSC.1/Circ.1446/Rev.2, Recommended Interim Measures for Passenger Ship Companies

To Enhance the Safety of Passenger Ships

The IMO Passenger Ship Safety Initiative 

Focus on IMO Surviving Disasters – Life- Saving at Sea

Target Audience:


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