ISM Code Basics


Author: OneLearn Global
Duration: 30 minutes

Course Overview

   Course Description:

·       This course aims to assist the trainees in the requirements and use of the IMSBC Code and its application.

·       This course will provide a detailed guide to ship’s officers and crew, shipping companies and ship operators involved in cargo operations on the safe carriage of solid bulk cargoes.

·       Included in this course are latest updates, supplements and information on the use of IMSBC Code.

·       The course will feature case studies of real incidents at sea.

·       It will help the learner understand on how to maintain safe and effective cargo operations by identifying safe procedures and practices during the carriage of bulk cargoes.

   Learning objectives:

At the end of the training course the participant shall:

·       Define what is IMSBC Code and its application.

·       Understand the objectives of IMSBC.

·       Classify different types of cargoes.

·       Distinguish the layout of IMSBC Code.

·       Familiarize the latest amendment of IMSBC Code

·       Familiarize the form for Cargo Information for solid bulk cargoes

·       Discuss the carriage of solid bulk cargo.

·       Analyze and understand different case studies


Target Audience:


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